Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Got a New Hairdo!

So I got my hair colored blonde and got it cut again today. It is crazy to see my reflection because I am not used to seeing myself as a blonde. I will get pictures up here as soon as I can. I think it looks good.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Movie: Tropics of Thunder

A horrible movie, Spencer wanted to see this, and it was his birthday, or at least a couple of days after his birthday, so I gave in, against my better judgement, and watched it with him. It is a really retarded movie. I will only give it 1 *. That is how bad it was.

East Village Opera Company

This was really cool. The E.V.O.C. is a rock band who sings opera. They take songs from old operas from like the 1600-1700's on and they give them a rock flavor. It was really cool. Most of it was in the original language, so there was a lot of italian, french, german, and spanish songs, but they did have like 2-3 english songs. I did buy one of their cd's, and I'm glad I did. It is a great cd. I guess you could almost compare them to Il Divo or Josh Groban, but not really.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


This is another play that I had to go to. This was actually really funny. It is about a group of nuns who are trying to raise money because their cook had accidentally killed 52 sisters by accidentally poisoning the food. It was funny because they are holding a benefit fundraiser and they run into all sorts of problems trying to raise this money. It was a musical and I loved it, especially the first act, that was the best.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

High School Musical

So I am in a Creative Arts class and as a requirement of this class we have to see musical productions and stuff like that. So I had to see High School Musical, the play. It was interesting, there were a couple of songs that were not on the movie, but other than that, it was basically the same. It was ok.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Shadow Rising by: Robert Jordan (4th in series)

A very good book, my favorite so far. I love the twists and turns and the surpises that are revealed.

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

And when the blood was sprinkled on ground where nothing could grow, the Children of the Dragon did spring up, the People of the Dragon, armed to dance with death. And he did call them forth from the wasted lands, and they did shake the world with battle.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School Has Started!

Ok so I know that I am a week late in blogging this. I have been pretty busy and kinda lazy. School started on Monday, August 25. I am taking 15 credits this semester plus an Institute class. I am also working 30 hrs a week, so I am pretty busy this semester.

Since I am sure everyone is curious, here are the classes I am taking this semester: Civilization: Creative Arts, Calculus, Accounting I, Biological Anthropology, and Business Law. My institute class is Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi thru Alma 29.

My teacher for institute is Spencer's old mission president. He is a really good teacher, I'm very excited and I think I will be learning a lot with him. I am excited about my accounting class and my creative arts classes, I think they will be interesting.

In my Creative Arts class, I have to go to different performances. So I have to see "High School Musical" and "Nunsense". They are musicals. I have to go see "East Village Opera Company" and the "Fry Street Quartet". They are concerts. I have to see "Taiko Project" which is an Asian performance that is unique to that region, I'm excited to see that. I get to see the Royal Ballet perform "Carmina Burana" and I get to hear the African Children's Choir. I am pretty excited to see these, it will be interesting.

And then as a side note, because I can't remember if I blogged this. I have a calling in my new ward. I am on the Self Reliance Committee, anybody heard of this? Me neither. Basically what the committee does is help the students here become more self reliant and to become more prepared for emergencies. What we will do is like do things for canning, help people with their 72-hr kit, ect... I haven't had anything to do yet, but I'm interested as to what we will do.

If anybody wants to know anything else about what I've been doing, just drop me a comment and I will get back to you.