Saturday, November 3, 2007

USU vs. Weber State

Last night, USU hockey played Weber State. It was such a good game!!! We lost, which really sucked, but it wasn't until the very end that Weber pulled ahead so far, the score was 5-7. There were two fights during the game. The first one was either at the end of the first period or the beginning of the second period, I don't remember. One of our guys was thrown out of the game for the first fight. In the second fight, another one of our guys was thrown out and a member of Weber was thrown out as well. I don't know exactly why the first fight happened but the second fight happened because the USU goalie, Cornelius, had his hand on the puck, which means nobody is allowed to touch him, but a Weber member started hacking at Cornelius' hands trying to get the puck, well that is just foul play and so our defense started hitting this guy, than all hell broke loose. All 11 people down there, including Cornelius, just started swinging and hitting each other. There were gloves and helmets and sticks flying. In one of the fights that one of the refs was trying to break up, the ref was actually brought down to the ice and the other 2 refs had to come and help break it up. Holy cow the crowds were going wild, it was crazy. It really sucked that we lost, especially because there is some rivalry between our two schools. But I am really looking forward to the game tonight, we are playing BYU and the stadium is going to be packed, this is a game that everybody is going to want to come to.
Here is a pic of Eric and Spencer in their uniforms and pads.

This is me before the game teaching Spencer how to use my camera, he really liked this pic.


Tiffany said...

I wouldn't want to meet them on the ice.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I really don't like that jersey I need a new one.

Tiffany said...

What's wrong with the jersey?