Friday, April 16, 2010

Bridal Shower Pictures

I had a lot of fun at my Bridal Shower. It was great seeing everybody again after so long. I got so many great gifts, I don't have pictures of them, but I definitely appreciate them all.So here are the pictures from my Bridal Shower. Finally got them on here.

Here is Shanna, Nan, Lynda, and Shaela.
Nan, Lynda, Shaela, and Nikki.
Kim, Shanna, Nan, Lynda, and Delva.
Kim, Shanna, Nan, Lynda, and Delva.
Shanna, Nan, and Lynda.
Here is Nelda, Jen, Me, and Alex.
Nelda, Jen, Me and Alex again.
Here is Delva, Jen, Me, Alex, and Kim.
Here is part of Lynda, Shaela, Nikki, Sherri, Norma, part of Nelda, Delva, and part of Kim.
Here is Shanna, Nan and Lynda.
Nelda, Jen, Me and Alex.
Nelda, Jen, Me and Alex.

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