Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saw Kira Schmelter

Today, I went to church, of course. I probably dozed through most of it...sorry. But after church, I finished another essay (2 of 5) due on Wednesday...what a drag!...At around 5:30, my grandparents and I went to my Uncle Jeff's house to see him and my Aunt Luanna and my cousin Kira. She is the cutest, chubbiest little thing in the world! What was really funny is that she loved Grandma and I, but she wasn't too sure about Grandpa. Everytime he focused on her, she would start whimpering and grabbing onto either Jeff or Luanna, whoever was closest. It was the funniest thing ever! I've got some cute pics of her that I'll get up as soon as I can.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Thanks for sending the pics. she is a definite keeper.