Sunday, October 21, 2007

Choir Performance

Today I had an Institute Choir Performance, we had an Institute Choir Fireside tonight, so I had to perform. We had it at the Tabernacle and so it was kind of crowded for the choir, but oh well, it was really cool. The choir sang the prelude, so we just "Oohed and Aahed" to the music until it was time to perform. Our opening song was the Latter-Day Voices choir singing (they're the special choir that you have to audition for). Then both choirs sang "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet", that song gave me chills, oh it was absolutely beautiful. It starts out with the choir singing it, then the conductor turns and the congregation sings along, then the choir sings a phrase or two more. The spirit was so strong tonight and I just got chills from the power of that song, it was amazing. Then my choir sang "Standing in the Need of Prayer" which is a gospel song that was lots of fun, then we sang "Homeward Bound" which is a beautiful song that the Tabernacle Choir sings, then we sang "Secret Prayer" which is also a pretty song. Then all the choirs sang a song called "One in Christ" which is, I guess, the theme song for this year, and that is an amazing song as well. The Latter-Day Voices sang "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and that song also gave me chills from the power of it; it is similar to "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet" where the congregation sings as well, and man did I have chills. It was really cool. Between each song, someone would bear their testimony and there were two girls who were doing this corny little thing throughout the program, but this is a Mormon Fireside, so corniness is allowed. Spencer agreed with me, he was there just to watch me perform, which was really sweet. So that is what I did today, other than church that is.

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