Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Well, I decided today to post how I'm doing on my tests in my classes in school. In my History class, I got a 72/80 on my first Assessment (Test) which is a really good grade. In my Economics class, I got a 30/35 on my first mid-term in the class, and I have been getting 5/6's on all my quizzes that we have had so far. In my Sociology class, I got an 88/100 on my first exam in the class. In my Math class, I got an 83/100 when I first got the test back, but she let us correct it for 1/3 of our lost points back, so I'll see the corrected exam soon, and I have been getting good grades on the quizzes, don't ask me what they are out of because I have no idea. I have a quiz in Economics and Math today, I guess since it is so late, so I am not looking forward to that and I'll try to remember to post how I do on those later.

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