Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Gods' Concubine by: Sara Douglass (2nd in series)

From ancient Greece came the remnants of the glorious Trojans. Led by Brutus, Kingman, these have come to Albion to begin anew. A vision of beauty called them to create a new Troy, and when they landed on the shores of the and that became Britain, they found an old magic that was fading. And so they began to construct a new Labyrinth, a place of magic that will bring unimaginable power to those who can control it.

But Cornelia, the young bride of Brutus, dooms the completion of the Labyrinth and sets into motion a hell of death and rebirth, until the Labyrinth is completed and the ancient magic is set free.

A thousand years pass, but the magic from the dawn of time waits, and the players are not yet done with their destinies. They have new faces and new bodies, but old souls--kings and princes, deadly court intrigues, and ancient powers are awakened.

And there is a warrior across the sea, waiting to finish wat was started centuries before.

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