Friday, September 7, 2007

NVO Club

Last night, Spencer picked me up at around 10:15 pm so we could go and check out the local club in town. Neither of us had ever been there and we heard that Thursday night was the best night to go...I have to absolutely agree!!! We had a freaking blast!! All the dj's would play was hip-hop, which was fantastic, and Spencer and I really had a lot of fun dancing...He didn't drop me off at Chippy's house until like 1:40 am, the time just flew right by...He was thinking of taking me swimming at a pool near his apartment, but I didn't have a suit, and it was late and I needed to get up early today for school. We had met up with some kids in some of our classes and from around his apartment complex...But we had an absolute blast!!


Tiffany said...

I'm really glad that you are having a blast in college. Sometimes I wish that I had been able to have the experience as well. Enjoy this time while it is yours.

Anonymous said...

That was soo much fun!! Remind me to do it again sometime :)!!!