Friday, September 14, 2007

I got's a boyfriend now!

Just to let everyone know, Spencer asked me out on Wednesday, this blog is a little late, but I've been kind of busy. He took me out driving after Math class, so it was like 9 pm. We're driving out to the middle of nowhere and I kept asking him where we were going and he was just like, "I don't know, I'm just driving", even though he was taking specific turns and everything. So he turns off onto this dirt road and we drive for about another 5 minutes on this road. Then he turns his car around and I look and I see the whole city of Logan spread out before me. It was sooo beautiful! He puts a towel up on the roof of his car and we sit there for quite some time before he asks me to go out with him officially. It was really quite just so everybody knows the updated status of my life!


Tiffany said...

everyone would like to see a picture of the two of you. I know you have a camera, get someone to snap a shot.

Anonymous said...

Hey thats ME!!!