Sunday, September 9, 2007

Lydia's Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Manti Barlow.
Lydia's Aunt Sherri did my hair and makeup for $25.
I went to my Aunt Lydia's wedding this weekend, she is 17 and her husband, Manti is a month older than me. I was one of her bridesmaids. The wedding ceremony did not go to plan at all the way Lydia planned. First of all, the zipper on her slip broke, and she wouldn't let us safety pin it, we had to be out there in like 15 min cause the minister had to leave for another wedding and she wasn't even dressed, then there was no music, because the people in charge couldn't figure out how to make it work, we were missing 2 groomsmen from the line for the ceremony, so 2 girls had to walk by themselves. The reception was a lot of fun...I loved dancing with all the family, although I only slow danced with Caleb, I think he's my 2nd cousin, but I don't know, he's the one that gave me a ride on his bullet bike, Dad, just so you know who he is. I didn't actually get back to Lydia's house until like 4-4:30 am. We went driving around and visited some of the wedding guests, but I had fun!!!
The garter toss, I didn't get a pic of the bouquet toss cause I was in it.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

You looked absolutely beautiful. Wish I could have been there.